Your tax dollars at work, ctd

I guess money donated to church for the deserving includes pastors, too.

A Huber Heights priest who stole from his own parish will be formally sentenced Wednesday.

In March, Father Earl Simone pleaded guilty to aggravated theft. He admitted to stealing more than one million dollars from St. Peter Catholic Church in Huber Heights where he was pastor for more than two decades. Much of the money came from Sunday collections and was reportedly used to buy real estate.

And a missionary-doctor in Michigan has some explaining to do.

A former Baptist missionary doctor who allegedly molested 23 girls and women in Bangladesh in the 1970s and 1980s is now facing new allegations, Target 8 has learned.

Dr. Donn Ketcham, now 85 and living in the city of Wyoming, has never faced charges because his first alleged crimes happened in Bangladesh and happened so long ago.

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