Dismal theology-related tweet for the day

This goes directly to one of my pet peeves — one, ironically, that I touched upon in the comments of the post just below.

If there is any one book that I wish could be put in the hands of every Christian, it is Bishop John Spong’s Rescuing the Bible From Fundamentalism. It’s a good, one volume summary of the contradictions in the Bible, and what Biblical scholarship has established about the truth and falsity of its myriad claims.

Make no mistake: Every graduate of a legitimate, bona fide seminary — I exclude lay preachers, and the graduates of rural Bible colleges located in a few rented rooms over a laundromat — knows with perfect clarity that the Bible is a pastiche of myth, history, and politically-inspired make-believe with no more dignity than World Net Daily. When preachers howl and bellow and wave their arms and stamp their feet about the absolute truth of the Bible … most are just doing cheap theater and know perfectly well that they’re lying. L.Y.I.N.G.

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