Offhanded retreat

Albert the Pious discusses the flare-up yesterday between The Donald and Russell Moore.

It is clear that Donald Trump will have a great deal of difficulty winning the support of many American evangelicals, including prominent evangelical leaders. In Sunday’s edition of the New York Times, Russell Moore, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, offered a rather stinging critique of the Trump candidacy, and he did so in an opinion piece that was brought to the attention of the nation, at least in part by none other than Donald Trump himself.

“Christianity is a revolt of all creatures that creep on the ground against everything that is lofty: the gospel of the “lowly” lowers … “

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist, §43

This is interesting. Many, not … most? Where is Mohler’s usual bragging about the importance of the evangelical vote?

Gone, because most evangelicals have already gone to Trump. And so far as evangelical leaders go, trust me: The names of Jerry Falwell, Jr., and Mike Huckabee, who have already declared for Trump, are far better known to American evangelicals and the general public than Albert Mohler and Russell Moore.

Pay attention, Albert, and I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on — again. There are theological evangelicals — luckily for the rest of us, a minority — and there are demographic evangelicals. Theological evangelicals are people like yourself, the poor benighted fools who actually believe that nonsense you peddle. The demographic evangelicals are the rest of the people who sit in your churches, bored stupid except when you’re howling about the wickedness of those … OTHERS, those people who aren’t as messed-up and straight-jacketed as themselves.

Did you envy all the dancers who had all the nerve?
Crosby, Still, and Nash

Trump gives them the malice without all the polite pretenses and stick–in-the-mud rules; therefore, they listen to him instead of you. Simple.

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