Trump’s failed rally

As everyone in the universe must know by now, a Trump rally in Chicago had to be cancelled last night because of fighting between protesters and his supporters.

With thousands of people already packed into stands and music blaring to warm up the crowd, Donald J. Trump’s campaign abruptly canceled his rally here on Friday night over security concerns as protesters clashed with his supporters inside an arena where he was to speak.

This was, of course, inevitable; everybody with a brain has known it was coming. After all, The Donald has frankly encouraged violence against protesters, and his supporters are a pastiche of witless evangelicals, racists, and other assorted goofs whose deranged beliefs put them on the distant outskirts of decent, educated society.

Trump likes to say it’s a movement. No. It’s an antisocial children’s crusade. And seriously NSFW.

The Constitution guarantees to even halfwits the right to assemble, however, and I imagine Trump’s supporters will attend the next assembly wearing brown shirts, Sam Browne belts, and carrying truncheons in order to enforce that right. Let’s all hope that the protesters, who rightly regard Trump as a scabrous affront to American ideals and who also have the right to assemble, have sense enough to stand across the street pointing and laughing.

Too bad George Carlin is no longer around to lead the ridicule.

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