Do-it-yourself abortions

As anybody with a brain the size of a dried-up pea could have predicted, interest in do-it-yourself abortions is on the increase as evangelical-dominated states piously make abortions more difficult to procure in the name of protecting women’s health.

Nobody should be surprised, either, to learn that the trend is strongest where the churches are strongest — in the Bible Belt.

The same areas will undoubtedly be highlighted when abortion-related deaths of healthy women are next tabulated.

This is one issue on which Bill Clinton actually got something right: Abortion needs to be safe, legal, and rare. But the evangelicals will never go along; they think outlawing abortion is a hill to die on, all the while telling themselves, and anybody stupid enough to listen, that it’s all about love-love-loving babies. It isn’t. It’s about punishing women who have control of their lives.

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