The Wartburg Watch has established a Go Fund Me page for some victims of church abuse. I don’t have any firsthand knowledge of what’s afoot, so I can’t personally vouch for any of this, but I trust the Wartburg Ladies and the story sure has a familiar sound.
Billy was sexually assaulted by a member of his church who pled guilty to the crime. Shauna, his mom, who cleans houses for a living lost a number of clients when the church they attended did not support his mother’s efforts to provide a safe environment for Billy.
Those people affiliated with the church told Shauna they didn’t want her to clean for them anymore. This has left Shauna and her son unable to provide for their basic needs.
Billy and Shauna were the victims of abuse from the molester and their own church.
Ask any police officer, journalist, social worker, doctor, lawyer — anybody with firsthand professional experience of it — and every single one of them will tell you the exact same thing: When a congregation learns of this kind of thing, it all-but-invariably rallies around the offender and drives off the victim. You won’t encounter a half-dozen exceptions to the rule in a lifetime.
You can always count on the Godly to kick somebody who is down. Help if you can.