Memo from the Propaganda Underground, ctd

Who knew? According to no less than Tony Perkins, separation of church and state leads to sex trafficking!

Perkins responded to the caller by lamenting that the separation of church and state has contributed to sex trafficking in America.

“It’s shocking that we could treat another human being in this way, absolutely shocking, but it’s a reflection of the moral condition of our country and society as a whole. Not just our country, it’s happening everywhere,” he said. “If you think — you know when people say, ‘oh things aren’t that bad, we don’t need religion, we don’t need God,’ when you take God, the creator, out of the equation, you kick the Ten Commandments out, you remove prayer, the Bible, you remove all of that from the public square and it’s quarantined to churches for an hour or two a week, this is what you get.”

I wonder if Perkins knows the sad story of the Midianite genocide and how the virgin women, exclusively, were pressed into marriage after all the men and children had been killed (rather as ISIS does today, Numbers 31:7-18)?

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