Memo from the Propaganda Underground, ctd

Here is what they’re thinking about the death of Justice Scalia out in Baptistland, populated by low-information, poorly-educated voters who believe every malicious lie the Propaganda Underground feeds them:

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There has been a razor-thin balance on the court with four conservatives, four hard-core liberals, and a swing vote.

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Now, one of two things is going to happen.

  1. Barack Obama, the most pro-death, abortion loving, constitution-averse president I’ve seen will appoint a replacement for the most conservative voice on the court.

  2. The appointment will be bumped till after the election and the stakes of the 2016 vote will go up dramatically.

It would be hard to over-estimate the significance if this sad moment.

If Obama, Hillary, or Sanders appoint the next justice our courts will turn left so dramatically we will get cricks in our necks.

Notice: “four conservatives, four hard-core liberals;” “pro-death, abortion-loving, constitution-averse.” This moron isn’t talking about President Obama; he’s talking about the Gollum-like creature invented and marketed by World Net Dailyand he has no idea that he’s talking about the literary invention of people who are preying upon his ignorance.

Y’all will probably not be surprised to learn that Albert The Pious has weighed in, too.

The unhappy truth is that Scalia had clearly been in decline for the past several years; his decisions lost their force, their insight, and too often degenerated into mere raving. If he’d had the sense to go a decade ago he would have remained controversial, but respected; now, he will probably be remembered for the incoherent crankiness of the past half-dozen years rather than the forceful arguments of years ago.

UPDATE:   Don’t miss the comments; the crowd at SBCVoices is thinking that Ted Cruz — a Dominionist who wants us to live under Old Testament law — might be a good choice for the Supreme Court if he isn’t elected president. Seriously: These idiots don’t know a goddamn thing about their country.

UPDATE UPDATE:   Another faction is thinking Ben Carson would be a good choice for the Supreme Court.

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