Just so’s you know …

You’ve probably been wondering lately, “Hey! Where has Gina Miller gone? Is she still raving barking mad? Has she got help yet?” In order:

  1. Nowhere.

  2. Yes.

  3. No.

When insanity reigns, those of us who recognize God’s authority as the Creator of all that is, who understand that there is concrete, unchanging right and wrong, good and evil, truth and lies – we become the “insane,” the “lunatics.” Those of us who warn against the dangers of tyranny in the hands of utterly corrupt, power-mad leaders who despise our nation’s blessed Christian foundation and heritage and unparalleled freedoms — we are the “enemies of the state.” We are the ones who must be silenced.

Looking around at the insanity, the deep deception and sin that is embraced all around us, and knowing that we cannot stop it, is like trying to run and yell in a nightmare, where your legs feel heavy and weak and your voice only comes out as a whispery breath. Everywhere we turn, those in power are aggressively pushing the big lie — that good is evil and evil is good — which is being swallowed whole by a growing number of ignorant, apathetic and Godless people among us.

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