Would it surprise y’all …

… to learn that Gina Miller is some kind of upset about the decision of the Presbyterian Church USA to conduct same-sex weddings?

With this latest choice, the Presbyterian USA group has further rejected the Word of God as its foundation, and instead has embraced the evil destruction of marriage. They are also apparently ignoring the tyranny against the freedoms of their fellow Americans that the radical homosexual movement (with its same-sex “marriage” crusade) represents.

This group has rejected Christ in firmly rejecting His clear teachings in the Bible – the whole of which is His Word. The leaders of Presbyterian USA have no business calling it a Christian organization.

Because r-e-e-e-a-l Christians think exactly like Gina Miller, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Does the loony Right ever have a thought that isn’t simply an ill-considered and -applied cliché? There is no evidence of it in this column.

The evil destruction of marriage? How? Same-sex couples have been among us throughout all of (recorded) human history — even the authors of the Bible knew of them. How is a straight couple’s marriage ‘destroyed’ by acknowledging that, and allowing same-sex couples to spend their Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness as they think best?

Do healthy marriages rely upon being able to harass same-sex couples? Funny … that’s not in the Bible, and if you ask a Southern Baptist they’ll tell you that the secret of a good marriage is not allowing your wedding vows to interfere with slavish submission to the Invisible Wizard. Nowhere in the Bible, nowhere, does it say that healthy marriages are not possible without gay people to flog and berate; it isn’t there.

And just how — exactly, please — is the religious freedom of anybody threatened? You may still believe whatever you believe; you may still dress-up and go to church or temple or mosque; you may still tithe; you may still watch Pat Robertson on television; you may still forbid gays to enter your home or church; you may still destroy your child’s mind with primitive metaphysics and by training it to hostility to reason; you may still humiliate yourself by going around insisting that the Bible is inerrant and God-breathed.

Why do the Pious folk find it so onerous to be expected, at least in public, to treat gay people with ordinary human decency?

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