Dismal theology-related tweet for the day

I wouldn’t have ordinarily followed the link in a tweet like that but, Hey!, this is John Piper’s outfit, and Piper has overtaken Tullian Tchividjian as the go-to guy when you need to be reminded that you’re no damn good.

2. Luke 18:38: Have Mercy on Me

Pray, like the blind man begging roadside, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” For as long as we are in this life, sin encumbers every encounter with God in his word. We fail friends and family daily — and even more, we fail God. So it is fitting to accompany our opening of God’s word with the humble, broken, poor plea of the redeemed: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Luke 18:13).

There you go: You fail everybody every day. Even worse than failing your family and friends, you fail … You. Know. Who.

Never forget: You are lower than whale flop, your very existence is an offense against the Cosmos, you are an inexhaustible sink of putrescence. You are no damn good.

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