T.S. Eliot on Huckabee

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men

Mike Huckabee, whose campaign effectively ended when he scurried into that ridiculous group photo with Kim Davis, has just issued a campaign video that, honestly, actually exceeds Donald Trump for weird behavior.

It would do no harm to remember, by the way, that the primaries haven’t actually begun; the past several months have been just warm-up. Now that it’s serious, I think Trump is going to sustain a history-making ass-kicking. Yes, there really are a lot of stupid people who love the idea of a Trump presidency, or who just want to stick a finger in the eye of ‘the establishment,’ but they are nowhere near a majority of Americans or even a majority of those whose sympathies lie with the Republicans. This latest stunt, the petulance over Megyn Kelly, is the beginning of the end.

Never ever go long against the common sense and decency of the American people.

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