Trump claims Southern Baptist endorsements

Who are prominent Southern Baptist pastors Jerry Falwell, Jr., and Robert Jeffress endorsing in the presidential campaign? The blowhard who …

  • Says Carly Fiorina is too ugly to be president

  • Can’t share a microphone with Megyn Kelly

  • Falsely claimed to have seen Muslims in New York City celebrating the 9/11 attacks

  • Called John McCain a loser for being taken prisoner in Vietnam

  • Owns and operates casinos

  • Still believes Barack Obama is not an American citizen

  • Is also supported by well-known nitwit Sarah Palin

  • Is Politifacts Liar of the Year

  • Has gone bankrupt 4-times, leaving people who trusted him empty-handed and keeping piles of money for himself

  • Wants to prohibit Muslims from entering the United States

  • Claims he will make Mexico pay for a wall that keeps its citizens out of the United States

There is one good thing about the utter disintegration of the Republican Party into cartoony madness: Nobody with a functioning mind can fail to understand that this is the truth about the Evangelical Right and its intelligence and character.

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