Wheaton faculty fight back

This is fun: The Wheaton College faculty have taken a stand in favor of Professor Larycia Hawkins, whom the college intends to fire over her claim that Muslims and Christians worship the same god. They are joined by more than 800 of the school’s alumni, and a majority of the students.

W-h-e-e-e-e …

Good for them. As I noted here, the sectarian academy is an innately dishonest enterprise; preach the company line — or go. The difficulty is that Biblical scholarship has dispositively established that the Christian narrative is false. It’s all settled; it’s not something that knowledgeable adults even debate any more. (They’re more likely to be debating whether or not the man Jesus ever really existed.)

But … what to do? Go out of business and sell the campus? It’s a good gig! So they instead try to constrict the sources of information and influence, and shutter thought, and recruit enough paralyzed minds to retire before the fund empties out. But they are all doomed.

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