Memo from the propaganda underground, ctd

Someday, when most of us are dead, humanity will realize that it was a gay economist who wrecked everything!

“It will be interesting to know that a homosexual [John Maynard Keynes] ruined the world,” Swanson said. “Somebody will indeed write the story about this in the year 2060 or 2070, no doubt. This will be the great exposé of how the world economies came down all because of a homosexual who was promiscuous, who was perhaps one of the most wicked, flagrantly licentious men who has lived in the modern world and he becomes the grandfather of the modern economies, bringing them all down. It makes a lot of sense: Sexual nihilism, of course, will produce sexual burnout, and that must be tied to economic burnout and epistemological burnout as well when societies lose the will to live.”

Seriously: I don’t even know what that last sentence is supposed to mean, and I don’t think it can be compressed and ridiculed.

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