When pleas for civility go awry

I pointed a few days ago toward a post by a Southern Baptist pastor who takes his brothers to task for mean-spirited commentary about, among a great many other things, President Obama.

I am pleased to report that the Holy Men took his criticisms to heart; after the first handful of comments, there is no more discussion of the extraordinary, downright epochal wickedness of the president.

But — Oh, man — you really ought to go read the stuff they say about each other.

I appreciate his [David Platt] grit and his integrity. (Integrity has been, and still is, lacking among more than a few SBC pastors, SBC administrators, and SBC trustees in the last several years. Some self-serving, lying leaders and gutless, ignorant trustees have done great harm to SBC entities and to Baptist State Convention entities. Therefore, to me, David Platt is a refreshing drink of water.)

It’s only going to get better, too, because all these clowns are doomed — and they totally know that. It’s, like, a knife fight on a life raft.

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