Thelogy-related rant for the day

I pointed last week toward a piece at Baptist 21 which undertakes to give readers some needful instruction on the reality of Hell. Now Pastor Gore is back with installment 3 and, at last, in the guise of explaining the grotesque perversity of worshiping a Being who tortures his enemies for eternity, he gets down to explaining what hell is really all about:

And, lastly, not only is hell not a bad thing, hell is praiseworthy as the justice of God.

Here’s a reality we sometimes miss: God would have been praised by the heavenly host for all eternity if he would have damned every single member of the human race to hell, because, in so doing, he would be the God of justice, the One who punishes sin. If God had simply given us what we deserved, the angels would have glorified him forever and ever.

Note that: Pastor Gore believes that all human beings deserve eternal torment, that is a metaphysical ‘fact’ inhering in our very existence, in the bald fact that we live.

But now — Yay! — only the sumbidgs who laugh at yahoos like Pastor Gore will suffer eternal torture.

Seriously: Who but an enraged, half-mad child doesn’t recoil from such a sick vengeance fantasy?

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