Why the pastor brings his Glock to work

I pointed yesterday toward a story from Detroit, this one involving a pastor who shot a guy who apparently charged the pulpit with a brick in his hand. The man’s beef, turns out, was that the pastor may have been spreading more than the Good News.

Smith had ranted on Facebook that his pastor had gotten his wife pregnant, weeks before police say he showed up with the brick Sunday during church service and attacked the minister.

Two Detroit police sources said detectives were investigating a possible love triangle between Smith, his wife and their pastor.

Well … who knows? The complainant is dead, the pastor is cooperative, the shooting happened in plain sight of a couple dozen people, and the city is broke; there is exactly zero probability that there will be a DNA test. The story is certainly believable; some surveys place the rate of pastoral fooling-around at over 50 per cent.

But if the pastor took the man’s wife, and then his life, it won’t affect the congregation’s devotion to him in the least. Dude carries a Glock! Now that’s a shepherd!

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