Dismal theology-related tweet for the day

Albert the Pious takes an unseemly pride in being on the front page of today’s Louisville Courier-Journal.

What’s the occasion? Mohler’s soon-to-be-published book instructing the godly that they mustn’t attend same-sex weddings, even if it’s the wedding of their own child.

The president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary says in a new book that Christians should not attend a same-sex wedding ceremony – even of their own child – because it “signals moral approval” of the union.

Writing in “We Cannot Be Silent,” R. Albert Mohler Jr. says that while it may be “excruciatingly difficult” to boycott gay weddings of friends and loved ones, “at some point attendance will involve congratulating the couple for their union. If you can’t congratulate the couple, how can you attend?”

Have I ever mentioned that the Truly Devout believe that the pleasure of Our Invisible Friend is more important than family loyalties? I think so. If I did, I probably added that I think that teaching is ignorant sewage, and that I think no better of those who peddle it.

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