Davis released, “shall not interfere”

Kim Davis has been, or very soon will be, released from jail on the condition that she “shall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.”


What isn’t clear is this: Is this according to a deal worked-out between the court and her lawyers — Has she basically capitulated? — or is the judge being a nice guy and offering her an escape hatch if she is smart enough to take it?

There is no indication that her name will not remain on the licenses.

The rhetoric surrounding this has been so outlandish — Huckabee’s latest is that Guantanamo detainees have more religious freedom than Americans — so grotesque, that I wonder if the loony evangelical right has finally self-destructed; nobody of ordinary intelligence could possibly fail to see them for the unstable, overwrought, anti-social nutjobs that they actually are.

The hard-corps will grow more dangerous, undoubtedly, but this probably finishes movement/evangelical conservatism as an important political force.

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