Behold the future

Bryan Fischer takes a phone call from an outraged Godly person who wants to talk about Kim Davis being held in contempt and packed off to jail.

Fischer was not alone it his outrage, as he took a call from a listener who declared that conservatives are tired of “being pushed back to a cliff” and called for “a massive national demonstration of solidarity” with Davis, warning that if ten million people do not come together and “flood Washington, D.C.,” then all will be lost.

The media belongs to the Antichrist,” the caller said. “We’re at the point now where there must be a massive national upheaval. If we cannot have it, I will predict, I will prophesy to you, there will be blood and it will be massive.”

There is undoubtedly a good deal of bluster on the part of these anonymous callers, but there are surely others, stoked by pastors who knows their influence has been irretrievably lost, who are muttering and cleaning their guns.

The recklessness is dumbfounding. The government has no religion — and neither do its agents in the performance of their duties. Is Huckabee truly so ignorant that he doesn’t know that, or is he merely a whore exploiting simpletons?

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