Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee …

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Turns out that fomenting conspiracies against himself is pretty much a staple of how Todd Courser does business.

As you might have expected, the twisted stupid saga of Todd Courser, the Michigan state representative who faked a gay-hooker scandal to cover up his genuine heterosex affair with another legislator, state Rep. Cindy Gamrat, and then claimed that he was being blackmailed, has taken another weird turn. A Michigan political blogger says this isn’t Courser’s first attempt at Nixonian ratfucking: Last year, during an extremely close Republican primary for the 82nd state House district, Courser allegedly faked a smear campaign against himself, claiming that some unknown enemy had distributed fliers accusing him of being a child molester.

Next up: The church tour, where he pleads the work of demons, begs forgiveness, then is enthusiastically hugged to the bosom of Abraham and elected to Congress.

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