Memo from the Propaganda Underground, ctd

Obama the Luciferian has put a target on the backs of white People!

For any of you who happen to be white, you’re in deep trouble and it’s getting worse. Obama has placed minorities in a special class and whites with targets on their backs.

As I’ve written before, Obama and his syndicate are working overtime to begin a race war. He will have it or begin his personal genocide of … guess who? As usual, we’ll be forced to fight for our lives or accept our slaughter by the hands of a Luciferian tyrant. And I suspect, tragically, that all too many are ready to die.

As usual?! I guess I’m just lucky, because I have never once had to defend myself from maddened minority swarms intent upon mayhem. About the most dangerous thing I have to deal with is Southern Baptists intent upon jamming one of those brain-rotting tracts into my hand, and I’ve perfected a scowl that makes all but the most imbecilic stand down.

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