Insane rant of the day

Matt Barber is outdoing himself.

It is not so much that Christians wish, willy-nilly, to call homosexual behavior, polyamory, fornication, adultery, bestiality, incest or any other disordered sexual proclivity “sinful.” It is, rather, that we must. For the true Christian, God’s objective truths will always trump man’s subjective desires.

And so this opinion, let’s call it “Kennedy’s folly,” will result in, must necessarily result in, widespread civil disobedience – disobedience of the sort we haven’t seen since the civil rights struggles of the 1950s and ’60s.

For 2,000 years, whenever such conflicts have arisen, Christians have placed the laws of God above the laws of man.

What makes you think we’re about to change now?

Ummm … OK. As a practical matter, what would this widespread civil disobedience consist of?

  • Will you refuse to sit at lunch counters where same-sex married people are served? How will you know, and who will know or care that you drove down the street to instead eat lunch at … well, where? Mama’s Klavern?

  • Will you demand that same-sex married folk surrender their bus seats to you?

  • Will you hold massive rallies on the National Mall, and find a charismatic speaker to demand that gay people be stripped of their civil rights so that you are “free at last?” And just whom do you plan to have lead a rousing chorus of “We Shall Overcome?” Sarah Palin?

Seriously: What could this civil disobedience possibly consist of?

I’m telling you right now, Matt: If your civil disobedience consists of not appearing as a loudmouthed belligerent at some relative’s wedding reception it is going to backfire, because all you’re going to provoke is gratitude.

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