The Will to Power

Book Two: A Criticism of the Highest Values That Have Prevailed Hitherto
V: The Moral Ideal

§347   Morality as a means of seduction. “Nature is good; for a wise and good God is its cause. Who, therefore, is responsible for the ‘corruption of mankind’? Tyrants and seducers and the ruling classes are responsible — they must be wiped out”: this is Rousseau’s logic (compare with Pascal’s logic which places responsibility with original sin).

Refer also to Luther’s logic, which is similar. In both cases, a pretext is sought for the introduction of an insatiable lust for revenge as a moral and religious duty. The hatred directed against the ruling classes tries to sanctify itself — (the “sinfulness of Israel”: is the basis of the priest’s powerful position).

Compare this with Paul’s logic, which is similar. It is always under the cover of God’s business that these reactions appear, under the cover of what is right, or of humanity etc. In the case of Christ the rejoicings of the people appear as the cause of his execution. It was an anti-priestly movement from the beginning. Even in the anti-Semitic movement we find the same trick: the opponent is overcome with moral condemnations and those who attack him pose as retributive Justice.

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