Benchmarks in the history of delusion

Oh, boy — another preacher steps forward to explain that the Charleston shooter wasn’t animated by racism. No. Satan, whom that nigra moozlim in the White House loves-loves-loves incidentally, is the guilty party here.

The shooter, under satanic influence, curiously named, Dylann STORM ROOF, took the bait and signed on the bottom line to become a servant of Satan who hates any church that preaches love and Jesus. That was the actual target that he set up, not blacks. The shooter was the instrument Satan used to kill Christians.

Hatred comes only from the enemy who hopes that it will overtake your mind and heart to compel you to do his bidding. Two satanists tried to invade my church last Sunday (June 14th) but were stopped in their tracks and fled.

Another being manipulated by Satan is Obama, the most immoral, dishonest, anti-God, occupant of the White House in history. He is doing his assigned work to destroy the Christians, our churches and to strip all morals from society knowing that slumbering citizens will not challenge him. Come to think about it, those are exactly the strategies of the enemy. The two are on the same side. [emphasis in original]

Just why, do you suppose, is it so important to the loony right to deny the role of racism in this massacre? Once asked, the answer to the question is obvious: Because it implicates the weird pastiche of racism and constitutional- and religious-fundamentalism that they peddle to the screwed-up losers who follow them.

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