Mohler: No danger

After all the brave howling from Columbus about never performing a same-sex wedding — as if the Gestapo were going to drag away pastors who refused — Albert Mohler has frankly acknowledged what everybody with a lick of brains has known all along: You can have any rules you like inside your clubhouse; if you don’t want to do it — fine.

“Look I really don’t fear- It’s really important that you and every other pastor needs to say “I’m not going to perform a same-sex wedding,” but let’s be honest, there’s not really a danger that the sheriff’s gonna show up and say, “you have to do this.” So far as I know, no pastor has been sued successfully for refusing to marry someone on other grounds- that’s not the real danger. The real danger is we’re going to pay an enormous social, cultural price for not doing a same-sex ceremony. We’re going to be considered morally deficient. Let’s admit it. We’re much more accustomed to being accused of being morally superior. They’ve said we’ve been “stand-offish” meaning better than them, now a large part of this culture thinks we are morally deficient. And we’re going to that’s a very different way to do ministry.”

Imagine, if you can, being in a place where Albert Mohler is the smartest man in the room.

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