New York Review: W-a-a-a-y behind the curve

The New York Review of Books notices [pay-walled] the revival of Stoicism.

The recent revival of Stoic philosophy has stayed surprisingly true to its ancient roots while gaining popularity among executives and tech-bros.

The founding editor of the Review died a couple of years ago, and the new owners/editors are still struggling to get their footing. I picked-up the trend almost 3-years ago.

If publishing trends can be trusted, a lot of people are looking toward Stoicism, a pre-Christian philosophical movement nearly wiped-out when the Roman church seized control of the western half of the Roman empire following Rome’s collapse. Just this year has seen publication of Ward Farnsworth’s The Practicing Stoic, Massimo Pigliucci”s How to be a Stoic, and — get ready — even a book of daily devotionals by Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic.

Stoicism, a philosophical movement born more than 2000-years ago and advanced by figures as different as a former slave, Epictetus, and an emperor, Marcus Aurelius, is … in.

So … ho-hum. I’m out of optimism for the Review; the new management just doesn’t have the depth.

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