You-can’t-make-this-stuff-up department

Pat Robertson helpfully suggests that a parent might be consoled upon the death of a child with the thought that it was just God’s way of stopping the next Hitler.

As far as God’s concerned, he knows the end from the beginning and He sees a little baby and that little baby could grow up to be Adolf Hitler, he could grow up to be Joseph Stalin, he could grow up to be some serial killer, or he could grow up to die of a hideous disease. God sees all that, and for that life to be terminated while he’s a baby, he’s going to be with God forever in Heaven so it isn’t a bad thing.

So how could God do that? How could a good God let happen? Well, the good God is going to take that baby to heaven right now, and that isn’t a bad thing.

So there you go: Maybe your Li’l Precious was going to grow up to be a sociopathic killer, and God did a good thing by WHOOSHING him up to Heaven before that could happen.

The other possibility is that Pat Robertson is totally barking insane, and millions of Americans are so pathetically stupid that they don’t see it.

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