Quote for the day

It’s a system of lies. To assert that magical spirits watch people and burn them in fiery hell after death is an obvious falsehood to any thinking, educated person. Ditto for the rest of biblical supernaturalism.

Young Americans are abandoning religion by millions — just as young Europeans, Canadians, Japanese, Australians and others have already done. Those who say their faith is “none” are rising with amazing rapidity, heading toward a possible majority. Hopefully, it will be acceptable before too long for the news media to openly say that religion is a fraud.

James Haught

When the harm that religion does is added to the patent ridiculousness of its claims, I honestly marvel that it persists; this is especially true of Christianity, which is so degrading. It’s a good thing that Christianity is in decline, and I look forward to the day when Southern Baptists are as rare as Zoroastrians.

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