Quote for the day

Nothing is normal under Trump. He refuses to admit defeat. Instead, he speaks of massive electoral fraud, although there is no evidence for it. The whole thing is not surprising. Trump’s presidency ends as it began. Without decency and without dignity.

Der Spiegel

No differently than many people, I’m sure, I’ve occasionally wondered over the past 4-years, How will the Trump presidency look from a distance? One-hundred years from now, say? And I invariably reach the same conclusion: There is no long-view that redeems Trump, no long-perspective that enables us to regard him as anything but a corrupt madman.

Nobody is ever going to look at the Trump presidency and say … America got lucky. Nobody is going to someday look at the Trump presidency and marvel at the subterranean genius of the Constitutional system that installed him. No. For the next 100-years, perhaps the next 1000-years, men will view this squalid episode in our nation’s history and wonder, What the hell happened to Americans? How did such a blatant pile of sewage win the presidency?

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