Grace Community Church sued

What do you know? Los Angelos County has sued Grace Community Church for defiantly holding a church service last Sunday.

Los Angeles County has sued an area megachurch after it blatantly broke the state’s mandate on large social gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as suing the county in an attempt to get the restrictions lifted.

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Currently, places of worship in California can only have indoor services with 25 percent of their capacity or 100 people, whichever is lower. Singing and chanting have also been prohibited. California has been hit hard by the resurgence of the pandemic and now has over 600,000 confirmed cases.

Good. The Godly need to get over the idea that they’re special and that religious liberty excuses them from reasonable civic obligations.

It’s true, as Pastor MacArthur says, that nobody had to go, that attendance was voluntary. But … so what? Those people who contract the virus can be infectious, and actively spreading the virus, for up to 2-weeks before they’re symptomatic (if ever). The only way to stop the virus, short of a vaccine, is to interrupt transmission by isolating so that there can be no person-to-person spread.

The real problem here is a klatch of idiots who need to grow up, and until they do there is nothing inappropriate about the use of civil authority to circumscribe their activities.

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