Tax the churches

Five years ago I published for the Amazon Kindle an anthology of texts arguing that churches ought to be taxed, and those texts ranged from writings of the Founders to contemporary research. Introducing the anthology, I quoted tweets written by Southern Baptists defending the display of the Confederate battle flag.

Even so, when at its 2016 annual meeting the Southern Baptists considered a resolution discouraging display of the flag, the flag’s supporters were incensed. In short order the discussion digressed into a discussion of loyalties, and on that subject Southern Baptists on both sides of the discussion were agreed.

Here is the text of some typical tweets:

  • “I am a Christian first and an American second.”

  • “Following Christ will always trump being an American.”

  • “If I ever have to choose between the cross and the American flag, I will choose the cross every time.”

Well … that’s their right. But what right have they to expect their fellow Americans to subsidize their America Second loyalties?

Today, John MacArthur makes the same argument to defend holding un-masked church services in defiance of orders prohibiting large assemblies.

“Major public events that were planned for 2021 are already being canceled, signaling that officials are preparing to keep restrictions in place into next year and beyond,” the pastor wrote in a widely shared post titled ‘Christ, not Caesar, is head of the church.’ “That forces churches to choose between the clear command of our Lord and the government officials. Therefore, following the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, we gladly choose to obey Him.”

Granted, MacArthur and his followers are exhibiting what might arguably be characterized as disabling stupidity. Are they, objectively, competent adults? In view of the danger to themselves, and the unsuspecting people whom they encounter, a compelling case might be made that they are not.

Certainly they are not exhibiting their professed reverence for life.

And, of course, there is the business of obeying Our Invisible Friend rather than the lawfully established civil authority which is trying to keep them alive.

I’m inclined to think that this is about money, but … no matter: My question remains: Why do these self-aggrandizing assholes think they’re entitled to expect a subsidy from the rest of us?


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