Quote for the day

The Trump virus must be exterminated and his supporters must be marginalized to the point where they can do no more damage.

Michael Hamar

Sounds familiar, no? Like me, Hamar is a former Republican sickened by what the GOP has become.

W-a-a-a-y back in the early 1960s, William F. Buckley, Jr., drove off the far-right fringe — the Birchers, the evangelical loonies, the Dr. Strangeloves. This is not to say that Buckley was somehow squishy on conservatism, a proto-RINO; after all, he thought Eisenhower was unacceptably liberal. He did know the difference between a conservative and a loon, however.

What do you know? Sixty years later the nutjobs have returned and captured the asylum, ruined the GOP, and put a very serious dent in the country. Now, once again, they must firmly be put out of polite society. The GOP must be annihilated, reduced to a memory, like the Whigs and the Bull Moose Party.

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