Bedtime reading

Something called Puritan Publications of Tennessee has just published a storybook for people who want to teach their children, aged 5- to 9-years, to fear hell.

Clearly, this is imagery adapted from Jonathan Edwards’ Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. In anticipation of those who object that subjecting a child to such terrifying imagery is inappropriate, the author appends a brief apologetic:

Some parents may be thinking that this kind of exhortation to children will give little ones horrible nightmares… It would be better for them to have nightmares now while you teach them about the realities of hell… than to wind up in the reality of the nightmare that is hell. To the Christian parent of young children, I plead with you to… teach your children about hell and the power of God’s wrath. Teach them that Christ is their only hope… Teach them that they are locked in a spiritual cage and that it dangles over the fires of hell.

A number of thoughts come to mind. In no particular order:

  • Revolting though it is, these teachings are well within the blister-packed, straight-off-the-shelf ambit of America’s semi-official cult — Christianity. Though any decent-minded adult should gag at the idea of this sewage being stuffed into childrens’ minds, it undoubtedly is protected by the First Amendment.

  • I dislike characterizing these teachings as ‘abuse.’ These parents are actively doing what they sincerely believe is best for their children, and they are not neglectful; they are stupid, if not mentally ill.

  • Here in North Carolina, where the godly take seriously their Jesus-duty to make certain that their children aren’t soiled by ‘the world,’ it is not at all unusual to encounter people who homeschool and will not allow their children any association with anybody who isn’t a member of their cult; there is no herd immunity against this ignorance.

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