Elizabeth Warren’s loss

It turned out that Elizabeth Warren was unable to carry, even, her home state in the Super Tuesday primaries. Albert Mohler, of all people, neatly explains what went wrong for Warren:

It turns out that Elizabeth Warren was not able to gain the kind of popular support that indicates that voters had warmed it to her. Paul Begala, the well-known Democratic consultant said that when it comes to Elizabeth Warren, too many voters saw her as Professor Warren from Harvard, not as Betsy from Norman, Oklahoma. It turns out that many voters actually are looking for Betsy rather than Professor Warren from Harvard. And of course the policy directed and wonkish Professor Warren famously has a plan for everything. Just before the Super Tuesday primary, she released her plan for dealing with the coronavirus. At this point, the plan she had better have is the plan for her own political future and for the future of her presidential campaign.

Vox ran a news story pointing out that Elizabeth Warren’s support was limited to a rather thin slice of the electorate, highly educated white voters.

As a highly educated white voter who was enthusiastic about Warren, but said all along that the Harvard affiliation would poison much of the electorate against her, this rings true.

Even so, we should count it as a loss for the Good Ol’ U.S. of A. Warren is smart, capable, ethical, of and a champion for the middle class; she would undoubtedly have proved a capable president, and possibly an inspired president. Biden has a more accessible presence, that famous “common touch,” but clearly possesses a mediocre intelligence and has a history of expediency. I’ll support whomever is opposite Trump, and in the narrow sense that he is more personable I suppose Biden is the better choice. It will be a loss for the home team, though, if Warren departs public life, and if Biden wins I hope he finds a good spot for her in his government.

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