Dismal theology tweet for the day

Actually … no. We are not all the Duggars. The good news, I suppose, is that when they affirm that we are all no damn good they are, though plainly projecting, at least sincere.

Part of me, I have to admit, feels kind of sorry for these poor pathetic idiots. They actually do look at humanity and see nothing but rot; they actually do believe we are all the Duggars. And when some howling yahoo in a cheap suit and with sweat running down his face points his finger and screams that they are no damn good … well, damn, all they can do is squirm because they know it’s true.

What is it to be so sick and self-loathing? To feel a tingle of excitement — The Answer! — when some predator croons that the solution to all their problems is to utterly surrender their manhood and intelligence and become as a dumb obedient farm animal? Honestly: I can’t imagine what it is to be so debased and ruined.

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