God is still a Republican, — or —
Dismal theology-related quote for the day

A Democrat in Georgia, Sarah Riggs Amico — a newly announced Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate who is running against incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue — is curiously launching a faith-based campaign to win Christian voters.

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Hippies, Marxists, and animal rights activists all use Christianity like a cheap prostitute whenever it is convenient, citing twisted Bible passages and taking Scripture out of context. Evangelicals aren’t easily fooled by Democrats patronizing actual Christians with a few misquoted Bible passages.

Pulpit & Pen

Just so’s you know, this indignation was triggered by Ms. Amico’s insolent declaration that “You don’t love the neighbor if you shun the poor, the powerless, the least of these. Faith is how I know that nobody should be sick because they’re poor, or poor because they’re sick. That we need to protect and sustain the earth. That we have an obligation to stand up for economic security and social justice no matter the color of your skin or who you love.” Strikingly, except for being allright with gays, it’s indistinguishable from what the local (and probably Georgia’s) Southern Baptists claim to believe.

It’s just exactly like I’ve been telling y’all for years: Most people have too much sense and decency to be good Christians — and the ones who don’t that you need to avoid.

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