When discernment fails

Franklin Graham, son of Billy, thinks Americans should pray for The Donald tomorrow.

While on a preaching tour in Vermont a few weeks ago, Franklin Graham got an idea: God had helped Donald Trump reach the White House, and now the President needed divine aid again.

Like no President before him, Trump was under attack, Graham said. From Democrats, Republicans, the media, even powers and principalities beyond the human realm. His presidency was in peril, the country at a moral crossroads.

So Graham decided to do what evangelists do: pray, preferably with lots of other people. After calling evangelical allies, he announced plans to name this Sunday, June 2, as a “special day of prayer” to protect Trump from his “enemies.”

Evangelicals are always grateful when somebody tells them what to do, so I imagine that church services all across America will feature a special prayer for the poor beleaguered First Felon tomorrow.

Fortunately, reality always has the last word and all that pious mumbling will be unavailing. Donald Trump is a corrupt, criminal, madman — and no matter how hard evangelicals squeeze their eyes shut and jam their fingers in their ears, his day of reckoning is coming.

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